Balancing act: Providing a healthy diet for children

3 in 5 parents play short order cook for young children who don't like family meal

1 in 3 parents think that the standard American diet is healthy for children age 3-10. 1 in 8 parents make their child finish everything on their plate. 3 in 5 parents will make something different if their child does not like what other family members are eating.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Too sick for school? Parents weigh competing priorities

2 in 3 parents say their adolescent or teen worries about how sick days may impact grades

1 in 5 parents consider if their child in middle or high school needs a mental health day when deciding whether they're too sick to go to school. 1 in 4 parents think school attendance policies make it difficult for children with medical conditions. 2 in 3 parents say their child in middle or high school worries about the impact on grades if they are absent from school.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Can they hear you now: Noise and headphone use in children

Can they hear you now? Kids increasingly exposed to noise health risks via earbuds and headphones

2 in 3 parents say their child uses headphones or earbuds. Among parents whose child uses headphones or earbuds, 1 in 6 say a typical day for their child includes at least 2 hours using an audio device. Only half of parents have tried to limit their child’s usage of audio devices.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Parent awareness of online betting among teens

Digital dice and youth: 1 in 6 parents say they probably wouldn't know if teens were betting online

Over half of parents do not know their state's legal age for online betting. 1 in 4 parents have talked with their teen about online gambling. 1 in 6 parents think they would probably not know if their teen was betting online.

Read the Mott Poll report!